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Smart form element controllers

In the Tenon-UI smart form architecture, each control on your Form will talk to this parent Form automatically. Each control will also allow you to implement your own view.

In order to handle all the data management for you, as well as calculate a lot of accessibility information, each form control type has a smart controller component. These controller components are part of the Form compound component.

They are:

  • TextInputController
  • TextareaController
  • SelectController
  • CheckboxController
  • CheckboxGroupController
  • RadioGroupController

Each of these controllers also accepts a children render prop function where any view can be injected.

These controllers do the following for you:

  • Registers itself with the Form component and communicates all data and validation changes.
  • Provides all event handlers and data bindings required to turn your view controls into controlled components.
  • Auto calculates all id values required for your view in order ensure that id's remain unique.
  • Where possible, calculates accessibility states and properties required to make your view accessible.
  • Exposes all this information via prop getter functions.

Think of the controller components as where all the magic happens for each form control.

A controller is typically used as:



Controller props

Each controller has access to the same three props, although the render function of each controller differs slightly.


This prop is required.

Every controller must have a string name. This is the name with which it will register with the Form component. Subsequently, this is the name that will appear in the Form datasets mentioned above.


While the controllers have been built to easily inject any custom view, often you will extract that view to another component. And Tenon-UI also provides a number of view components for you.

Using these components in the render prop will lead the to following code being repeated:



To avoid this, you can use the component prop instead:



Each controller will also pass any props not used in the controller itself through to the view component. This way you can still pass props, for instance a label text, to your view component.

In this example, the labelText prop will be pass through to the SomeViewComponent view component:



Finally, if the component prop is specified, the children of the controller component will be passed into the view component as its children. This can make it easier and more natural to create things like <select> boxes.



Whenever a component is used as view in the docs, we will prefer using the component prop over using the render prop.


A form control can be marked as required by activating this prop. This is important as it then passes important information to the view components through the render function.

The prop accepts both boolean as well as string values.


This array of validators forms the heart of validation in Tenon-UI.

The library also exports a validator function you can use to compose the validators you add to the controllers. Each entry in the validators array should be composed with this function.

The function takes three parameters:


This is the validation function to run.

Validation functions should return true if the validation passes, and false if the validation fails.

You are free to create your own validation functions, it can even be done inline in the JSX.

Validation functions come in two forms.

The simple validation function accept a value, which will be injected into the function by the controller component. This value will be the current value of the control. And example of such a function is:



It is also possible to write validation functions that take a second value for comparison. For example:



Note that these functions are curried functions. In the example shown above for the controller usage, it can be seen how each one of these types of functions are used in the validators array.

This second type of function can be used to create powerful validators between various form controls by injecting the value of another control from formControls render function object into the validator of your control:



The validators are executed in sequence in the order that they are defined. If a specific validator fails, execution of validation stops, and that validator's error message is injected into the view.

This makes it possible to apply multiple validators easily, without having to deal with double error conditions.


This is the text message to display when validations fails.

By providing it here, it gets injected into the view whenever the specific validation message should be shown, thereby freeing the view from more decision making logic.


Sometimes you would like to turn off a specific validation programmatically. This third (optional) parameter allows you to ignore any specific validator.

To ignore a validator do: